
Sphere created by Brian Higbee


Type I (5860000 mile diameter) spherical fire world. Primary


Type D (2500 miles diameter) elliptical earth world. 40 million miles from primary.

No moons, but has a ring of dust and ice crystals orbiting the planet. Inhabited by tasloi, high elves and some green dragons.


Type E (9020 miles diameter) spherical earth world. 80 million miles from primary.

Octorea is the home of a world civilization of spelljammers. They control most of Octorspace, and have begun to invade nearby Thuriaspace. Octoreans themselves are functionally human, but their limbs are disproportionally long, and their skin is light blue. There are also halflings, orcs and anubi on Octor.


Type H (601480 miles diameter) spherical air world.140 million miles from primary.

2 Moons, and over a hundred asteroids orbit this gas giant.  The planet is inhabited primarily by giant avians and giant insects; however a group of undead beholders also dwells on Kolin.


Type F (roughly 27640 miles diameter) amorphous air world. 180 million miles from primary. Orbit of Hurlock and Kolin are synchonized, so that they are always near each other.

Frequently called a Nebula, Hurlock has no indigienous life. 21 asteroids orbit Hurlock


Type D (3830 miles diameter) cubic earth world.200 million miles from primary.

3 moons and a ring of fire circle this planet. Inhabited by Octoreans, orcs and Skyzorr'n


Type F (25710 miles diameter) spherical fire world.400 million miles from primary.

One moon. Inhabited by Aboleth, Morkoth, Fire and Water elementals, Ixitxachitl, Salamanders, and various giant-sized creatures.


Type D (3960 miles diameter) elliptical water world. 800 million miles from primary.

5 moons. Inhabited by Mermen, giant fish, dragons and undead


Type H (244140 miles diameter) spherical fire world. 1600 million miles from primary.

No moons, colder than normal (for a fire world). No indigenous life


Type E (6770 miles diameter) spherical earth world. 2400 million miles from primary.

No moons, hotter and wetter than most words, primarily a swamp. Inhabited by various giant sized creatures and swamp-dwelling monsters.

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